The Chelmsford Fling festival

Where can you make things out of clay, or sew your own toy, watch a two person short play and a monologue about the Marquis De Sade before toddling off to the Cabaret tent to watch burlesque? The Chelmsford Fling in Essex, that’s where! Have a look online here. And the best part? No children!

In the cabaret tent Desmond O Connor (who’s popped up as MC for Bizarre Magazine’s Ball more than once) serenaded us with increasingly rude songs on the ukelele and Ginger Blush engaged the crowds in burlesque bingo (like normal bingo but with corsets), all punctuated with lovely ladies dancing about and removing items of clothing. Oh, and one man, he was quite nice too.

Elsewhere in the Make Do And Mend tent you could create your own toy, or watch two professional actors in a short play in the Storytime tent. If that’s not enough you can make things out of clay or your own hat if you don’t mind looking really stupid, or watch experimental films whilst drinking refreshing smoothies in the Psychedelic Film tent. Oh yeah, and somewhere there was some live music playing.

Obviously it’s already happened this year, but make sure you get to the next if you can and buy advance tickets as the price goes up considerably on the door. Now here are some pictures to highlight the experience:

It's me on a bench!
It’s me on a bench!

A play in a tent
A play in a tent
Make Do And Mend!
Make Do And Mend!
The view from the screen in the Psychedelic Movie tent
The view from the screen in the Psychedelic Movie tent
The tent in action
The tent in action
Member of local burlesque troupe Hell's Belles
Member of local burlesque troupe Hell’s Belles

A lovely lady who had apparently been on Britain's Got Talent
A lovely lady who had apparently been on Britain’s Got Talent
A man on stilts - I liked him, he reminded me of a Neverwhere character
A man on stilts – I liked him, he reminded me of a Neverwhere character